Web Management Tools

As developers are receiving a lot of work on a daily basis, it is difficult for them to manage a website. Website management tools allow you to take care of a lot of options starting from your search engine optimization analysis to help you get your website crawled by search engines. Website Management Tools not only allow you to generate analytical reports but helps you in managing the content of the site as well.

The files you are using have a size affecting the loading speed of the website, or you want to learn about how many hits you got on your site. You can generate a list of things you need to work on with these tools, a list that includes development, analysis, and SEO. These tools are not for the developers, but they can be used by anyone who owns the website and has some problem that needs to be solved but can’t find what it is. For example, the factors affecting the loading speed which can be the files size is too large or the images you are using are not compressed or not being ranked in SERPs.

Amongst all these tools you will find short link generator, page ranks checkers, internet connection checkers and various downloading tools.

1. Sitemap Generator

Are you worried that no search engine is crawling your website? Every day thousands of sites are being developed out of which some are for business, for providing information and some are for entertainment purpose. Not all are crawled, and the reason is they don’t have a sitemap. This sitemap contains almost all the information related to your website, from what is the site about to what it contains — especially the information like when was it last updated, so make sure to update the content of your website frequently. If you don’t, it will result in losing rank in search engine results page, and you don’t want that to happen, do you?

XML sitemap gives all the information about the website to the crawlers so they can index it on the search engine’s servers. Searches made today are not entirely keywords based, they are based on the structure of the content a site has. They understand what a person is looking for and display results in search engine results pages based on the user’s requirement.

2. Meta Tag Generator

There’s more to websites that meets the eye. There is information that we are unable to see while visiting a webpage, that information is included in Meta tags, description, keywords. These elements include information that is needed by the search engine over the internet, it is not only necessary for SEO purpose, but they are a part of the web page’s head section. So, it is important to add such information in the backend of your website.

This information tells the search engines what your website contains, a while ago when the searches were performed on search engines; they used to match the words with the Meta keywords tag to display the results in the search page. Still, it is essential because it elaborates the structure of your website and you definitely don’t want to leave it as it is even if the Google algorithms are changed.

3. Minify CSS

One of the factors affecting the loading speed of your website is the file size. You can reduce the bandwidth of network requests by reducing the size of some files without changing the code. Extra spaces, comments which are used to elaborate what the style is used for, etc. needs to be removed in order to shorten the size. You can save a copy of the original CSS in case you need to make some developments in it later. If you are using CMS, they usually have their own way of generating a CSS it can also be minified upon your request.

Usually, library files like JavaScript are available in the mini version if you know how to use it and are aware of the functions. This is suggested for developers, and they should use the mini versions, so it doesn’t affect the bandwidth of the network.

4. Robots.txt Generator

Robots .txt files help to instruct the web robots which go by the name crawlers, these files instruct them about what items need crawling and what doesn’t. If the crawler finds no index tag, it is going to stop crawlers from even looking into your page whereas the no follow will allow them to peak in the content of the page but don’t follow or use the links present on the page.

This is the first file, crawlers look at, but some of the crawlers can ignore this file especially the malware checker crawlers they need to check the whole website for malware and content that can bring harm to the people.

5. Minify HTML

As you know minification is the process of reducing the size of the file by removing extra spaces and comments in a file. If you try opening the mini HTML file, you will find it really hard to read as there will be no space or comments and you won’t know where to begin. These minifiers not only shorten the size of the file but helps a website gain more loading speed. It is good for users who are visiting your website with a limited data plan and like saving their bandwidth usage.

Writing comments and using extra spaces helps developers in writing the code neatly but when it comes to the website serving, the problem of loading and the load on servers is enormous due to which it affects the loading of the website. Web servers don’t require extra spaces or comments they just read the codes in the commas and execute them. The minified version almost reduces the file size up to sixty percent this significant difference is really beneficial for your website and the server hosting your website.