Age Calculator

Age calculator online helps you to calculate age in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months & years in just a matter of seconds. Simply add your date of birth to get results.

Select your date of Birth?

Age at the date of

If someone asks you to tell your age, then you can easily share it in terms of the year. But, what if someone asks you how old are you in terms of days? Then it becomes almost impossible for anyone to give the right answers. That’s why we have developed this online age calculator so that you can find out your exact age using the date of birth and the current date. The result is displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This exact age calculator is based on a universal age system, therefore it can be used by everyone.

Our age counter can be used by professionals in estimating the remaining time period to meet a given deadline. For example, if you are supposed to accomplish a task within a month, then you can add the starting date of the task in this tool, and you will get the total time left in ending the deadline.

If you want to know how old am I? The following things are required from you to calculate age.


Enter the day of the month.


Mention the month of the year.


Add the year of your birth.

Age calculation formula

Age (years) = Current year - Birth year

Do you want to know about “How old are you?” The easiest way is to use an online age calculator and let it calculate age from your date of birth. Just follow simple steps to use our tool:

  1. First of all, select the Date(DD), Month(MM) & Year(YYYY) of your birth.
  2. Then, select the current date on which you want to calculate your age.
  3. Lastly, hit the “Calculate Age” button.
  4. Our online age calculator will display accurate results within a few moments.

How many days/weeks/months old am I?

The easy steps discussed above will enable you to use our online age calculator without following any intricate procedure. You will be provided with the following things once your age calculation is completed.

  1. Age in months
  2. Age in weeks
  3. Age in days
  4. Age in hours
  5. Age in minutes
  6. Age in seconds

This exact age calculator online uses a variety of time units to answer questions such as “How old am I?

"How many months old am I?" "How many weeks old am I?" "How many days old am I?" and so on. Enter your date of birth in the first field, make sure today's date is in the second field, and if not, set the appropriate date to calculate age. You can also check the age of famous personalities.

The age difference is the gap between the two dates. Calculate age of multiple people to estimate the difference in their ages between two different dates, months and years. This age counter will tell you the exact ages and then you can easily determine their age differences. If both the entities are the same, then there is no difference in age.

Our age converter is equally suitable for people from every walk of life. People's BMI can be calculated by using their age. This tool is immensely significant for those who want to know their age from the date of birth.


You may have the idea that accurate time-related information is a vital component in astrology. The main reason behind this is that your destiny changes with your age, as per the astrology laws. So, the astrologers require the exact age to give you the effective charting of your fate. Our age calculator online enables you to compute the exact ages simultaneously.

School Admission

Calculating age is an essential process for school admissions. If you have a baby and want to add him/her to school you have to know about the age of your child. Use our baby age calculator to determine when your child starts school.

Government Job

If you want to apply for a government job you must know what is my age before applying because lots of government sectors have age limits. So, by using our age finder you can check age and decide whether you are eligible to apply or not.


While filling any form or questionnaire you may be noticed that there are some common questions like name, age, profession, or study. Researchers focus on the respondent’s age because his decision making is based on it. With our age finder, the researcher gets to know their exact ages by entering the listed date of births. Through this, he may analyze the percentage of people who agree or disagree with the statement belonging to a specific age group.

Wedding Time

Many people believe in astrology, and according to them, age calculation is the most important part of the wedding because both brides have to disclose ages then pundits can match their Kundlis. This is happening in Indian weddings that’s why this is a crucial element in the success of a marriage. For that purpose, you can use this exact age calculator to estimate the perfect date and time for your wedding.