Keyword Analyzer

The Keyword analyzer will help you know how many keywords are used in your content to avoid keyword stuffing. For keyword analysis, paste your content and keywords you want to examine in the text boxes below and press “Analyze keywords”

Keyword density is considered as the number of times a keyword used in content as a ratio to the total number of words in that content. This is also referred to as the keyword frequency. In simple terms, the keyword displayed on a webpage or an article taking into consideration its total word count is known as keyword density.

Search Engines like Google estimate the quality of content by the number of keywords used in that writing. That’s why it is essential to use appropriate keywords in writing, but it is also crucial to understand that keywords shouldn’t be used in excessive amounts. It will affect the quality of the content instead of providing an advantage. So, it is significant to know the ideal quantity of keywords required in the content.

Pro-Tip: Check keyword appearance in the content of a web page by our free keyword density checker.

What is the Ideal Keyword density?

Although there is no hard and fast rule about using keywords in the content. However, it is critical to know that keywords should not be used in a massive quantity as it may seem like stuffing, and people may dislike such content.

Well, there is a simple approach that can be used for using keywords in an appropriate manner. The ideal ratio of keywords in content is usually between 0.5% to 1.5% to the total word count, but it can be changed according to your requirement.

As you might have an understanding of keywords, it is significant to have appropriate tools that can assist you in analyzing the strength of the keywords displayed on your webpage. The best approach to find the density of the keywords is the use of our fantastic keyword analyzer online.

Analyzing keywords nature and credibility manually is a challenging task, as you have to go through all the keywords by yourself, which may require a considerable amount of time and effort. But, our keyword analyzer online enables you to find the strength of your keywords within a few seconds.

The process of using our free keyword analysis tool is also very simple and straightforward. You can quickly analyze keywords by a few clicks on your device. Not only this, but our free keyword analyzer also allows you to check up to 10 keywords at a single time. This will help you to evaluate the strength of your keywords and assist you in analyzing the relevance of your keywords within no time.

This free keyword analyzer also provides you with an opportunity to analyze the strength of your competitors’ keywords. In this competitive world, where everyone tries to outshine his competitors and adopts various strategies to become prominent in the market, it is significant for a website owner to keep an eye on the performance of his opponents. One of the best approaches in monitoring their activity is analyzing the keywords displaying in their content. Analyze keywords of your opponents will enable you to strategize your work more efficiently and outshine your competitors with a considerable margin.

As we have discussed earlier, the ideal keyword density is a myth, and there is no optimal density of keyword that fits all solutions. There are no instructions given by Google about the appropriate quantity of the keywords in the content. So, we cannot clearly say that this would be an adequate density of keywords, and we should use that number of keywords in our content.

However, some considerations can assist you in ensuring that your content is optimized; that can increase the reliability of material and improve the overall experience of your readers. Many people have a misconception that keyword stuffing in content can help you in getting more traffic on your site. But, they usually don’t understand that the additional increment of your keyword in content can also decrease the effectiveness of your writing and may lead you to face some penalty from Google, as it will consider such keywords unnatural and irrelevant.

Well, you may have an understanding that Keyword Stuffing is considered as cramming as many keywords as possible in content in such a way that it looks unnatural and forced to the audience.

That’s why if you want to improve the SEO of your website, then it is essential for you to pay significant attention to the density of the keywords in your content. You must only use the natural and relevant keywords in your content that must not affect the readability of your content. Our free keyword analysis tool provides you with a fantastic opportunity to analyze keywords by a few clicks on your device.

Pro-Tip: Are you interested in finding new keywords? Our keyword suggestions tool helps you in this regard.

Now, let’s discuss how you can use our excellent free keyword analyzer and assess the density of your keywords within a few seconds.

As discussed above, our fantastic free keyword analyzer allows you to analyze your keywords without going through any hard and fast procedures. You can find the quality and strength of your keywords by following these simple steps.

  • Get access to our efficient keyword analyzer online by clicking
  • Enter your text in the given box by directly copy/pasting or writing by yourself.
  • You can analyze the density of your keywords by writing it in the given boxes. You can examine the density of up to 10 keywords at a single time.
  • Click on the “Check Ratio” button to analyze the density of keywords.
  • Boom! That’s all from your side. You will get your results within a blink of an eye.

What are the results

Once you click on the Check Ratio button on our efficient online keyword analyzer, you will get a complete analysis report of your keywords. You will get the density of your 1-word keyword, 2-words keywords, and 3-word keywords in percentages, that will enable you to analyze them more precisely and quickly.

So, you don’t need to get worried anymore, as you can use our fantastic live keyword analysis tool to find the density of your keywords without any hassle.

Pro Tip: Improve your rankings with Long keywords, for this purpose use our best long tail keyword finder.

Pro-Tip: Improve your rankings with Long keywords, for this purpose use our best long tail keyword finder.