Keyword Overview Tool

Check the CPC (cost per click) and search volume of the keywords you are utilizing in the content by writing and checking them one by one in the tool and hitting the “Check Keyword Overview.”

Keywords research is what you need when you want to rank your website, app, or anything related to the world of the internet. It can be a blog, a forum, a social site, some content that you want people to learn about. Online keyword Finder tools are crucial because they will let you find the correct long or short tail keywords for your content. These keywords describe your content the most significant way and tell the search engines what your site, post, blog, is precisely about.

SEO keyword research tool helps you find the best-related keywords because relevancy is the key to rank well in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). When you add a query in the search engine, it looks for the most relevant content by understanding the purpose of the searched words. The site that contains the most relevant content is displayed at the top of the search engine results page. The short tail keywords still work but aren’t as advantageous as the long tail ones because the long tail keyword describes your content to the point.

So, to build a strategy either for spreading content awareness or marketing of a product you first need to find the keywords that describe your product best. When you generate a list of keywords, you can perform proper research using our free keyword search volume tool. It will not only tell you how many searches are made related to that keyword in a month but also will guide you about its CPC (cost per click). The CPC is used in paid keyword advertising, and if you just began a business, then you can consider this option because it is the best way to boost your rank.

The keyword is a term that not only describes the content but is used by people across the world to find a website more relevant to their query. These SEO keywords can be just a single targeted word or a group of words which are also known as long tail keywords. These keywords help search engines to learn about the material contained in your site also it helps to answer different questions like is it unique, is it authentic, is it copied from other sites, etc. After making these analyses using a good keyword search tool, if your keywords have high competition, then it can take a lot of time to rank your content.

This is why it is essential to look for the keywords with low competition and use them to rank your site. But before that, it is vital to know how people are searching for the content or services you are offering. In order to do that our SEO keyword Finder tool will let you find the correct long and short tail keywords. Note, you shouldn’t add keywords more than one to two percent in the entire page content because it might fall in the category of keyword stuffing and you definitely don’t want that to happen.

Making a list of keywords is always necessary because if you are offering services then what type of services, in which part of the world, and what languages do you support, etc. is the next part to keyword research. This is how you can refine your keywords list:

- Grouping of keywords

Grouping of keywords is related to how many keywords can you arrange together let’s say if you are offering plumbing services then you can easily add your location next to it. Plumbers in (city name), plumbing services in (city name), etc. These long tail keywords can contain your location info, can include your company name for better results and what type of services you offer will be a plus. You can easily group these keywords, so when people look for plumbers in a specific area, Google knows your location and will provide better results.

- Brand and product term

A brand name is the next big thing! Including brand name that describes your products or services can take a little time but surely works if the right methods of search engine optimization are applied. Don’t just upload the images of the product, adding more to their detail will make search results better. Let’s say you are selling a product cheaper than others; “why” is the question that arises in everyone’s mind. So, don’t let your customers' review answer that is a big negative, solve it yourself in the description and keep it positive.

- Keyword Relevancy

Relevancy is essential because if you don’t have keywords that can make a search engine determine what your site is about and your page should target only a few words outside the refined keywords list. If you don’t do that, it will be a hard time for a search engine to learn what your site or page is about. The best places to add long tail keywords is your headings, subheading, meta descriptions, and title tag. If the search engines find your keywords in these areas, you will receive a higher relevancy score thus resulting in a better rank.

Using keywords is essential and if you are providing services then going for the local SEO techniques will serve better. The local SEO can contain keywords based on location, services, products; this is where the buyer meets the seller in real to authenticate the quality of the product.

Our keyword analysis tool will help you find the correct keywords for your website, to do that just follow the below given steps:

1. After reaching the page of keywords overview tool, you will find a field that says enter keyword, as shown in the below image.

2. After entering one of the keywords from your list, all you have to do is hit “Check Keywords Overview” button.

3. We used the word SEO to check how much it is searched and learn about its competition in the results.

4. The result is displayed below the keyword research tool and contains all the critical information like competition, CPC and its search volume.