CSS Minifier

Minify the size of your CSS file to save bandwidth and to decrease the load speed of the website. Upload the file by pressing the “Choose File” button and click on the “minify” switch to begin shrinking.

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The tool that is used to minify CSS online is known as CSS Minifier. Not long ago, people could hardly find such a tool that would allow them to minimize their CSS codes to minify CSS online and make it more outlined. But today, there is not just one but countless tools available which can be used to minify CSS online. CSS Minifier is that magic tool which developers use in order to minify CSS online and for reducing the size of their CSS codes. This advanced tool enables developers to generate a sophisticated version of their project and improve the overall website speed. In the long run, merging CSS files of your website into a single file will also speed up the download time.

Like minification, Gzipping is also a procedure that helps you in reducing the size of your code. However, these are two very different things, serving the similar purpose. You apply both of these approaches to your website assets including .css and .js files, minimizing the file size and making it even more efficient to navigate through the network across different browsers and servers.

Minification is the procedure involving removal of whitespaces, non-required semicolons, comments etc. and reducing the hex code lengths while keeping the file intact as a perfect code which can be read and used exactly the same way by the browser as the original file.

On the other hand, Gzipping will identify all the repetitive strings, replacing them with pointers to the first instance of string. Gzipping can be carried out directly through the server, once the server will be configured to it, there will be no ongoing work needed to be done and gzipping is performed automatically.

Are you looking for tools and websites for CSS minifier or CSS optimizer? If yes, then this implies that you somehow belong to web development. Given that web development is your area of interest, we can say that you might already be aware of how web page speed is considered as one of the parameters by search engines to evaluate a website. CSS minifier or CSS optimizer can be used to minify CSS online, and it is one of the many approaches towards improving the speed of a website. Through minimization you can make the script smaller which will result in a faster download time. Often, this tool is used by web developers to minify CSS online which leads to obfuscation of their code. Obfuscation helps as it makes it hard to read the code and consequently, even more difficult to reverse engineering or in other words copying the code.

While there are hundreds of CSS minifier tools available in the market then why should you use our tool to minify CSS online? Because we offer you a CSS minifier tool that is the best. It is the simplest CSS optimizer that you can use to minify CSS online. By using this handy online CSS minifier, you can easily compress CSS files in the most convenient way. With its user-friendly interface, our CSS optimizer allows you to compress your CSS files with zero difficulty and in no time. Simple, fast and FREE! We would recommend that you use our CSS minifier yourself.

You can minify CSS online with the help of our easy to use and free CSS minifier tool. You simply have to copy and paste your CSS in the given text box and then click on the blue “Submit” button. In a matter of seconds, results will be displayed to you.

We would recommend that you should try our wonderful CSS minifier tool yourself to see how does it really work. Also, do let us know of your valuable feedback for improving our website.